Our Joy-full Beginnings

It all started with a kiss - as most great love stories do. I had a friend who raised Havanese dogs, but I did not know much about them. When I looked into the pen, a tiny pair of eyes peered up at me. She was only three weeks old and the sole survivor in a litter of eight. I pulled her out and cuddled her to my face, her eyes still having that blue tint of just opening. She had the sweetest spirit and the soft lick to my face did me in. She was the easiest and most fun puppy we have ever had. She is my soul dog, my bed partner, and all in all my Joy. We at Cupcake and Company want to share Joy’s zest for life by blessing others with puppies just like her.

Meet the Parents

  • Adamis Acernis Cajun Connection AKA "Landry"

    Landry is an AKC Champion and Puppy of Achievement award winning Havanese dog imported from Hungary.

  • Havanarouge Joy Ride AKA "Joy"

  • Cupcake and Company Better in a Black Dress AKA "Puff"

    Puff is Joy’s daughter from her first litter.